Tuesday, 22 November 2016

No Ogre's

I wanted to try out some of the techniques we learned in the After Effects workshop on one of the pages from my book. I made the image in illustrator so had to convert it to a psd before I could use it in After Effects and retain the layer properties. It took me a few attempts to get the setting right, I am going to have to be very careful when I make my final composition. I think I will make a composition with the background of the book and anything that will not move as one flat layer, then gradually add layers one page at a time as I work on them. I will need to be very carful how I label the layers in the composition as there will be a large number of them and they will correspond to the same character on different pages. I will have to come up with a system to use throughout.

bouncer video- from Joe Boon on Vimeo.

I think my book is perfect for animation as the characters are made up of separate pieces already. I am relatively happy with this quick test but the pace seems slightly off and the posture of the ogre changer a little too much.

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