Saturday, 19 November 2016

Added details

I have been adding some extra detail to the pages of my book. I got very caught up trying to add more pages to tell the story and stopped enjoying making it. I think my work suffered because of this, I got into a regimented process of creating the images without taking time on each one. having a break to work on other briefs has allowed me time to reflect on the book and revisit it with a fresh perspective. I have added some very small details of animals in the landscape to add points of interest. I think these help to break up the narrative without being overpowering and detrimental.

Next I want to lino print some trees to use in the book, possibly as replacement for the paper cut trees I have used or as additional background landscape to add more depth and texture. I have tried lots of different ways of adding texture to my cut paper shapes digitally and so far the best process has been to make my own textures and add the only to the lighter colour of the two. I used the texture as a mask to cut out the shapes, When I applied the textures to both colours the composition became too broker up and didn't suite this piece. More experimentation and more printing is needed!

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