Sunday, 27 November 2016

Crying Animation

I animated another page from my book. I then tried to combine this with the first page I already animated. I am not sure how to combine the two compositions and when I tried to use the two already rendered animations The had a border between them that stopped the pan shot from working. I will have to learn if it is possible to combine the two to one image or if I will have to work with the entire book background as one image. I did manage to work on timing the pages so that as image pans across the screen the characters animate at the right time. It was more difficult than I thought and everything I tried made the timings seem unnatural. I think it will be possible to make the timings work but it may mean simplifying some of the movements or missing part of the animation as it disappears off the side of the frame. I will have to make sure any important parts of the narrative take place while the characters are in the centre of the screen. I will find out tomorrow if I can merge the different pages together then either way I will know what I need to do and will be able to start on a my final animation. Because quite a few of the movements in the animation will be simple I want the posture of the characters to be perfect and allow me to show emotion through the animation.

crying for animation from Joe Boon on Vimeo.

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