- Designs created as vectors so can be used with the laser cutter, test out whether they work by printing them out on paper first.
- Consider materials and scale
- Make sure designs a
Step By Step
- Open Document
- Create Guide layer -Keep all guides on this layer
- Create rectangle the same size as the document
- go to object, pat, split into grid.
- Select 2 in columns and rows, this will allow us to see the centre point and keep the net symmetrical so we can print double sided and the images will be lined up.
- Double click on the empty space next to the name in the layer panel, tick template to lock layer, guides will not print.
- Create new layer, this layer will be our net layer
- Use shape tools to make the net
- Can make shapes by clicking and dragging or we can click and type in dimensions, the shapes top corner will be where we clicked.
- Hold Alt to make the click point the centre of the shape and also add extra guides to the cursor.
-Hold Alt and drag the shape to copy and snap to lines.
- Command D is transform again, could be useful for patterns.
- Always take into account paper sizes when making a net.
- When making the flaps make sure they aren't so big that they overlap.
- We need to Taper the flaps because if the box isn't folded perfectly the edges can get int he way of each other.
- use direct selection too and shift to select the top corners of the flap.
- Can use the handles to make the curve into a straight line.
- Don't need flaps on all edges, only one needed to connect two edges.
- Reflect the flaps using the reflect tool on the toolbar.
- Hold alt and click on any point on the centre path, click copy not ok
- We need to merge the net into one shape but keep out guides.
- Select all, then copy and paste onto separate layer.
-Copy to the new layer and paste in place. Shortcut is shift,command, V
- Select all on Net layer and open pathfinder. select unite.
- Lock net layer.
- Make folds layer visible again.
- Select all then change opacity to 15%
- Click on stroke on the title bar, in this menu we can make dashed lines, we can use this to distinguish between lines we need to cut and lines we need to fold.
We can add all of the folds together by selecting all and going to object, then group
- Think about how you flip images when printing double sided, one sides design may end up being upside down.
-Unlock all layers, select art board tool and alt drag current art board to create exact replica.
- File and place to add artwork to the net, change to no fill on the net layer be able to see where we are placing artwork.
- keep in mid artwork on flaps will not be seen.
- To add fold marks to the outside or lighter designs we can use the pen too to add lines that stop outside of the net, then score the net before cutting it out.
- This means no marks on the box but also means you have to score before cutting out.
Often fold lines are only used on the inside because they are less visible.
When making a box with a lid remember to scale the lid up slightly so it will fit. The stock you are using will determine how much difference there needs to be.
- Save as illustrator file to retain layers and vectors.
- Use PDF's to retain layers and make more universal.
-add text to areas outside the box with notes or a description, box size etc. that area will be cut off anyway.
-Copy to the new layer and paste in place. Shortcut is shift,command, V
- Select all on Net layer and open pathfinder. select unite.
- Lock net layer.
- Make folds layer visible again.
- Select all then change opacity to 15%
- Click on stroke on the title bar, in this menu we can make dashed lines, we can use this to distinguish between lines we need to cut and lines we need to fold.
We can add all of the folds together by selecting all and going to object, then group
- Think about how you flip images when printing double sided, one sides design may end up being upside down.
-Unlock all layers, select art board tool and alt drag current art board to create exact replica.
- File and place to add artwork to the net, change to no fill on the net layer be able to see where we are placing artwork.
- keep in mid artwork on flaps will not be seen.
- To add fold marks to the outside or lighter designs we can use the pen too to add lines that stop outside of the net, then score the net before cutting it out.
- This means no marks on the box but also means you have to score before cutting out.
Often fold lines are only used on the inside because they are less visible.
When making a box with a lid remember to scale the lid up slightly so it will fit. The stock you are using will determine how much difference there needs to be.
- Save as illustrator file to retain layers and vectors.
- Use PDF's to retain layers and make more universal.
-add text to areas outside the box with notes or a description, box size etc. that area will be cut off anyway.
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