Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Bookbinding Workshop

I really enjoyed the book binding workshop, I have just been talking about needing to learn how to make my illustrations into finished products. The process involves being very precise with measurements and following each step precisely. I am not usually good with these kind of processes but this one went well. In the past I have taken my work to book binders to finish them for me but that means paying someone to do a job I can do myself and also means I am limited by the techniques and materials they use. We were shown a large array of books all bound in different ways with different materials and I would like to test out more of the techniques and see where I could find ways to make my work more appealing to potential buyers. Many of the elements of the process that I thought would be extremely difficult to finish to a high standard were relatively simple when we were shown techniques to help us. We managed to make high quality books using tools I already have at home and materials that are fairly cheap. I will experiment with different types of stitches and binding methods, I will use these techniques for my finished 505 book.

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