Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Ideas 2

I want to make a list of ideas for my book, I want the ideas to be beneficial to children but not in a typically academic way. I want to illustrate a story that can aid emotional an moral development. I will have to find subjects that children can relate to, something that everyone experiences but doesn't necessarily stop to think about. I have talked previously about finding deeper meaning in everyday experiences, finding beauty in the connections we have with the people around us, experiences that we all share without realising it. I need to find some inspiration. I have been trying to find stories or songs that I could illustrate or use as inspiration without any joy so far. We have been warned not to write a story as it would take far too long but I wonder if I could come up with a simple idea that would not need much writing.

I have been brainstorming ideas-

Jaws in the bath tub- A children's book version of the jaws movie that takes place in the bath, could be a fun story, adapted to be appropriate for children. Not much of a message involved but could be an entertaining story. like the idea of compositions that combine the bath and the ocean.

Grown ups are weird- highlight the differences between children and grown ups. For example adults becoming embarrassed when children don't care. Could be a good way to encourage conversations between parent and child.

Dinosaur Facts- this is a more conventional educational idea but could be made much more interesting and appealing to children and adults by the illustrations, for example some hipster vegan dinosaurs.

Children mimicking Parents- children copying their parents in funny and creative ways. Children learning through observing.

Adventures in one day- Things we see as normal, but seen very differently through the eyes of children. The normal things we do each day. bath time, playing, going for a walk, going to playschool, going shopping, getting dressed, eating etc.

I'm a polar bear- I took my niece to see a friend of mine that has an American bulldog, he is a huge all white dog, my niece told me that he wasn't a dog he was a polar bear, I thought it would be funny if the dog believed her and started acting like he was a polar bear.
-Starts to question his identity
-looking in the mirror
-reading up on polar bears
-acting like a polar bear
-going to find other polar bears
-meets polar bears
-Definitely not a polar bear!!!!

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