Thursday, 16 March 2017

Roald Dahl Submission

I have been looking back over the submission details and brief for my Roald Dahl project as the brief and submission details are fairly vague. The brief asks for a set of illustrations should "appear as if they are part of a published series." I take this to mean that they could be used in a range of illustrated books or marketing material with a aesthetic that is constant throughout all three illustrations/stories. The brief includes brand guidelines for text but I have not included text in my illustrations and it is not mentioned anywhere in the brief that it should be. The brief simply asks for 3 scenes from Roald dahl children's stories that complement the logo which is included in the project pack, I have used similar colours and a white background and included the logo on my art board throughout the design process but I don't think I am going to submit it as part of my submission. I think including it would make it clearer that my images complement the logo but adding text to my illustrations could take away from the impact of the characters. Similarly I have been tempted to make my illustrations into posters of book covers advertising the stories but I think that would limit their use in the eyes of the judges. The specific brief submission details are very vague, and state that we should use the YCN submission guide. The YCN guide askes that we submit work digitally in the form of a PDF with our illustrations and any additional information. I am going to make a PDF consisting of  my illustrations and a brief description of each one. it is tempting to add images of processes and research but I think this would distract attention from my finished pieces and if I have been successful with my finished pieces it should be clear which story and scene they are based on.  

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