Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Nearly hand in

We are going to hand in the brief either today or tomorrow, I got a message this morning form Irfan asking if could do a couple more illustrations for the 'My Profile' page of the app so that they matched the rest of the illustrations rather than using stock images. I drew up a couple of illustrations, one male and one female and sent them in the group chat but was told that the app was now finished so I am not sure if they can be included or not. I have them inked up and ready to be scanned in just in case they are needed at shirt notice.

I have been trying to sort out the design boards for the submission. I thought we were going to work on them as a group but it seems we are making one each as there is a maximum of 4. I have been trying to talk to the other members in the group chat to make sure we are making boards that work as a set. We need to make sure they all use the same dimensions, similar layout and that there is no overlap between them. I have made a board of my work and asked if it is ok but I have had little to no feedback. We are meeting at 3:30 today to arrange the submission so hopefully we can make sure everything matches up and that the submission works as one cohesive body of work. It has been hard to get work done with the level of communication. Today has highlighted the importance of constant clear dialogue between all members of the group and everyone needing to understand their roles in each and every stage of the process. I think we have communicated fairly well for the most part but have worked separately and have had relatively little face to face contact. I think we would have made a piece of work that better showcased all the members ideas and skills if we worked more in close proximity allowing ideas to naturally and to bounce ideas of one another instantly rather then over messenger which is delayed at best and useless at worst.

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