Monday, 27 March 2017

Preparing Work For Presentation

I unfortunately missed the submission briefing and the briefing for studio brief 3 last week because I was ( and still am ill). I looked through he slideshow for both last week and have been starting to prepare my project report. The examples of reports from previous years was really helpful, it can be a bit difficult to sum up everything from the briefing at first. I have started by gathering all my finished pieces and some development work. I have downloaded some mock ups from Graphic Burger to demonstrate how my illustrations will look when they are applied as various products. I think showing the designs incorporated with the product they are designed for is especially important for the phone app and the book cover I made as they are designed for a specific purpose. The app illustrations are designed very specifically to work at the dimensions of a phone screen so it was good to be able to illustrate this on the boards.

I will need to try and balance the number of images and text on each slide, I don't want them to been too confusing or cluttered. I will also need to make sure I choose development work that demonstrates the how and why I ended up with the finished pieces I made. I have started to mock up my slides with images for final pieces and some alternate variations. I need to start working my way through my development work and get some good quality clear photographs.

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