Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Collaborative slides

I have concentrated on the work I did for the collaborative brief as it says to do so in the submission briefing slides. I have aimed to cover what I did, why I did it, how I did it and how it will be used in the final outcomes. I wanted to include the gif I made that shows how my illustrations will be used to show there is available live content on the app as it was not included in our submission to D&AD but it will not work in the form of a PDF so I have included three images that demonstrate the animation.
On the first slide I included the simplified description of the brief and a paragraph explaining how me and the rest of the team approached it. On the second slide I included a images that show the range of our research into the festivals, BBC coverage and apps as well as a paragraph explaining our research and what we aimed to create. I made a range of characters for the app logos, most of which did not make it to the final designs so I made a board based on character development to try and illustrate the process I went through and explain why I made the choices I did. The development slide includes a large range of logos experimenting with fonts, hand drawn type and composition. The finals slide shows a mock up up image of how the illustrations look in the finished app layout.

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