Monday, 3 October 2016


Takeuma's illustrations contrast quite strongly with my last choice of illustrator in both terms of aesthetic and the ideas behind them. He creates simple bold images that have an inviting, happy feel to them. I read an interview in which he said he starts with a single central idea and tries to remove everything that may cause confusion. his illustrations are not as sparce and trimmed down as some other editorial illustrators but Takeuma says this is part of a balance,  "it’s always an editing process, seeing how much to take out and how much you need to keep to get the right balance." I think this idea of balance allows Takeuma to create images that are inviting and fun but that still have a clear message.

The ideas behind Takeuma's illustrations are simpler that Mark Smith's and allow him to create images with an instant impact that can be understood clearly without much thought. Rather than being thought provoking these images seem to me to be appealing and inviting. Takeuma seems to have a set practice but is open to using a wide variety of different media, he says "most of the time just pencils and a sketch book, then computer. sometimes pens, paints and craft knives. I do not have any preference on what materials I use it all depends on the piece I’m working on and what I’m hoping to achieve." I think I should start getting into the practice of using a wider range media through every stage of my creative process.

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