Friday, 7 October 2016

Roughs 5

Todays Mega Crit was very useful. I got some great feedback, some that confirmed ideas I already had and some that has helped me to understand what does and doesn't work. It seems to me that the images that got the best feedback are uncomplicated and manage to tell a story using very few components. These images are the ones that suggest a narrative and allow the viewer to put the pieces together, I like this as I think it is important for the viewer to feel involved in the story. I want my illustrations to almost have a conversation with the person viewing them rather then trying to ram information down their throat. The two illustrations that were mentioned most in the feedback were the set of keys spelling out 'fiction' and the hands reaching into the book, I want to try and refine these images to improve the aesthetic but need to be careful not to lose the message through unnecessary complications.

I am still very fond of the idea of a book as a tent/shelter but don't think I have managed to do it justice yet. I think the illustrations I have made so far suffer from over complication, both in terms of composition and concept. I am going to continue to experiment with this idea to see if I can make a stripped down version that still manages to communicate the points made by Neil Gaiman. I am going to try and apply this design to the portrait dimensions and use the extra vertical space to create a cold, dark landscape that the book offers shelter from.

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