Saturday 22 October 2016

brief analysis

I have looked through the three briefs I originally selected to decide which would be the most appropriate choice for me. I want to select a brief that is challenging but that is near enough to my set of skills that it will help me to progress my practice. I need to keep in mind that these briefs give me invaluable experience working on a professional brief. They also provide me with a platform to showcase my work to people within the industry and have my work assessed by professionals. The drawbacks are that I will be working without pay and that if I chose the wrong brief I could put lots of time effort into something that does not benefit my work. For example the Hasbro brief is mainly based around creating a concept for a game which would challenge me creatively but the design element of the brief is an optionally extra rather than a key component. The brief that Appeals to me the most and that I think would best suite my progress in this module id the Fur For Animals brief. The brief is based on a delicate subject that will need to be tackled very carefully and will present a number of challenges along the way. I need to research the trusts previous campaigns and the judges that will be assessing my work.
Even the first impression of the Respect for Animals website with its blood splattered background gives a string impression of the impact they are trying bring to the public and the seriousness of their message. Most of the content of the site is factual articles about the fur trade and animal cruelty. The site showcases a number of posters used for previous campaigns.

the posters are very graphic and often use blood as a way to highlight the origin of fur. I think it must be difficult to find a balance between images that re shocking enough to showcase the message of the trust without making people feel so uncomfortable that they are immediately put off from engaging with the message.
The dumb animals campaign consisted of both posters and a video that showed models walking down a catwalk in fur coats, as the models get to the end of the catwalk and turn the audience is splattered with blood. watching the video back it has the same impact now as it did then, it looks dated as it was made in 1985 but it has similarities with classic horror films of its time that a lot of people will be familiar with. I would like to try and find a new way to communicate this powerful statement that will challenge perceptions and spread awareness.

My work is often quite 'cartoony' and I will need to make sure the aesthetic I use will not undermine the message behind it. This brief is based on a very serious subject that will have to be dealt with delicately to make sure my work is not offensive but is still effective. The further information provided with he brief gives some interesting ideas as a starting point such as the ice bucket challenge that didn't need any specific content to be shared but a concept. it is not something that would benefit my practice but it could help with brainstorming an interactive idea that could be shared via social media.

The more I think about this brief the more I am unsure if it is something that I would benefit from working on. I think I need to go back to the briefs and look in more detail at some of the ones I only looked at briefly initially. I want to push myself out of my comfort zone but not away from my creative practise.

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