The three briefs I have chosen are 'Fight The Fur Trade' for Fur For Animals, 'Set The Scene for Film Lovers' for Mubi and 'Next Generation Party Games' for Hasbro. I have chosen these because the subject matter appeals to me and matches my interests. These briefs also present challenges that I have not had to tackle before. For example creating a new party game for Hasbro will mean I will have to take into account how long the game will take to play and have to make sure the game is not too similar to already existing games. It is an unfamiliar platform for me but I am looking forward to these new challenges. We have been learning to try and understand how to identify and appeal to a target market over the last year but this will be a leap into 'real world' live briefs where this consideration becomes all important. The Hasbro brief has the target audience restriction that it is for young adults, not children. In some ways this opens up more possibilities in what I can do with the brief in that I can include themes and even overall concepts that would not be appropriate for children. I will however have to research the interests of young adults. The Fur For Animals brief is trying to raise awareness of the Fur trade so can be aimed at a very wide audience but with a more specific target of people that "have bought or are considering buying fur".
I will also need to be careful when working with branding. The terms and conditions state that any misuse of the brands names, trademarks and logos will result in disqualification from the competition, I need to make sure I fully understand what this entails. each brief has a set criteria for how the work should be submitted, this is a crucial section of the brief, The concept and outcomes could be very good but if they are presented in the wrong format the work might not be accepted. Even if the work I accepted it is not professional and does not reflect well if you can not meat a set of specifications.
The Fur For Animals brief deals with some difficult subject matter, it is important to highlight the shocking and inhumane processes in the fur trade but it is easy to put people off engaging with your work if the imagery or subject matter is too graphic or distressing. I will need to research effective methods of engaging with an audience to stimulate a change in behaviour. The Mubi brief presents the challenge of deciding which platform would best spread awareness of the service they provide in terms of reaching the target audience and delivering the desired information in an engaging way.
Reading the brand guidelines from Mubi was very informative, I have never encountered these guidelines before. I knew there would be guidelines for company logo's as they are a major part of the brands identity. I did not know how rigidly the guidelines are set out in terms of colour combinations, logo placement on posters and configurations of the logo in terms of the lettering in relation to the icon.
Reading the brand guidelines from Mubi was very informative, I have never encountered these guidelines before. I knew there would be guidelines for company logo's as they are a major part of the brands identity. I did not know how rigidly the guidelines are set out in terms of colour combinations, logo placement on posters and configurations of the logo in terms of the lettering in relation to the icon.
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