Sunday, 16 October 2016

Illustrators that use print 3

Ben Newman is an illustrator that has work for a number of well known publications such as The Tate Modern, New York Times and The New Yorker but now spends most of his time working on the children's book series 'Professor Astro Cat' with his friend Dr Dominic Walliman. This really interests me as I would love to work on children's books and collaborate with writers. His work is made up of crisp digitally created shapes and lines combined with bold colours. The main point of interest for me at this point looking at his work is the way in which incorporates the stock colour into his work to great effect. He uses the white of the paper to make up a number of elements in his composition without the image becoming cluttered of lost on the page. The blue he has used in these prints is really nice, it is perfectly placed between the white and black to contrast with the black and still be bold enough to not appear washed out on the white of the page. I think I am going to need to experiment a lot with colour throughout this project and be prepared to redo prints with various colour combinations to fine tune the compositions.

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