I want to start my research by looking at online resources and trends that will help me to understand this project and how I should approach my work. I want to look at Publisher, retailers, reviews, podcasts and social media.
Online resources-
SCBWI Podcasts
This one looks very interesting but I would have to sign up and pay to listen to the podcasts.
This one looks very interesting but I would have to sign up and pay to listen to the podcasts.
-Stories about dragons, wizards and mythical creatures are popular possibly due to the success of Harry Potter and The Hobbit.
-Reissues or new versions of classic children's books appear to be popular often coinciding with anniversaries of the original release, or a film adaptation.
-Similarly to the last trend classic stories and fairy tales are popular but with a twist that brings them up to date.
-Research has shown that the number one characteristic that children want in a book is that it makes them laugh, making reading an enjoyable experience and encouraging literacy.
So far I have been looking online to try and find trends form review sites and secondary research, I think I need to go and research for myself to continue this process. I will visit Children's book retailers and see if there are apparent trends in design or theme.