Monday, 5 December 2016

Sound study task

The first video I have chosen isn't an animation it is a skateboarding video. I have chosen it because the video is edited so that every single trick throughout the video is timed with the music. The link between the soundtrack and the video makes the video much more enjoyable to watch. Both elements work as a combined composition rather than two separate entities. With my animations there are not as many actions to sync with the music but I would like the music to change with the tone of the scene and match up somehow with key moments.

This is a cartoon clip of a fight scene. The sound effects make the interactions seem real. They give the characters a physical presence. My animation will not contain as much action but I want the characters to feel real and have form to them. I think I could achieve this by have sound effects for each movement like the squirrel character rustling through the leaves of the trees and bushes.

This trailer for The Last of Us part 2 uses sound effects and music to great effect setting the tone of the animation. The animation would not have anywhere near the same impact without them. I need to find music that perfectly fits my animation. If I use the wrong sounds or music I could make the animations narrative confused. Some of the animation is supposed to be quite sombre, if the music is light hearted or too fats paced it will not work.

I want to use both music and sound effects in my sting. I will need to make sure I get the levels right so that both elements are clear and work together in harmony. The tone of the sting will change as I animate different pages so I will need to find a way to transition between them with music that fits the tone. Effectively my sting will be made up of 3 separate animations that work together as a sequence. I want to experiment with different ways to transition between the pages with both animation and sound. I have spoken to a music producer that I know who has offered to give me some music for my animation and help me with editing it into the animation. I will have to see if he has anything that suites my work, I don't want to try and force the two to work together. The main character is an ogre/giant so I want to try and show his size and weight through the sound effects of his movements compared to the humans and small animals. The last of us trailer has background noises and tones that create atmosphere, I would like to try and find sounds that could work in a similar way for my animation, they seems to work well with slower moving subtle animations making each movement seem more poignant.

Most of the book is set in the forest, in fact all the pages I want to use for my animation do. I want to add some forest sounds like rustling leaves and animal noises to create atmosphere. Possibly slow music or a low tone like a film score in a moody scene. I think it will be important to make all the movements seem real, they will be fairly simple so if I get them wrong it will ruin the animation. I want to find some gritty real sounds will make my add weight and form to the characters and objects.

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