This was the final crit before the Christmas break. There are lots of nice comments that helped me to feel like my ideas have worked during this process. It seems from peoples reactions to the book that the narrative is understandable, I was worried that without any words in the book apart from the Neil Giaman quote at the start that the concept of the story could be confusing or not understandable at all. I added extra pages as I went along and I think that has paid off. I changed my objective part way through from a set of prints to a concertina book which received some good feedback, people have mentioned that the layout works well with the illustrations as a continuous 'rolling narrative'. I am really happy with this, I want to work more and more with narrative in my practice and feedback sessions like this give me confidence that I can communicate ideas clearly.
there are a few concerns noted in the feedback, one is that there is no texture in the animation I showed. I am going to work on this, the problem I had is that I had to flatten he artwork for my book into a single layer to apply the printed textures I had made so when it came to animating I had to go back to older versions of the illustrations that still had individual shapes on separate layers and start to work forward again. The animation I showed is just a test and I fully intend to add the hand made textures to the animation by the time it is finished. There seems to be disagreement about the amount of texture I have used in my illustrations with some people saying not enough and some saying too much. While designing the pages I did try a variety of amounts of texture and methods of adding them to the images. I felt that if I added more I would start to lose the atmosphere in the scenes and the integrity of the shapes that make them. I tried adding more texture to the trees in the scene but the rough edges that I think really well were lost in the process. I think the person who said the texture is too strong might mean the texture in the background, I vectored the texture which worked well in smaller scale on the trees but looks out of place in certain areas. The sharp edges produced by vectoring the print texture don't look like hand crafted and don't have the same appeal.
To finish on a positive note, the colour palette I chose received positive feedback. I spent a long time testing different colour schemes and in the end printed off two. I wanted to make sure the colours captured the tone of the narrative.
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