Sunday, 21 February 2016

Characters 7

This is my first attempt at my 3d Gif. I decided to include the same bearded character in each of the Gifs and try to use a narrative that links between all three. After trying to make friends with a ladybird and a frog the bearded man has found his sole mate, a seal. They decide to go into space to start a new life. 

I made the set for this Gif out of cut paper and cardboard, this is the set I used for the final piece that has some additions to the first attempt Gif. I made the structure on 3 levels to ass shadow to the animation and some the space between objects. In the first Gif the scene seemed sinister like the seal had locked the bearded man out and was celebrating. In the final Gif I added eyebrows to the seal to try and show surprise  and an 'I Love U' mug. 

I wanted to try something a bit different so decided to recorded a video and turn it into a Gif. My dad looks like the character from the other Gifs so I roped him into doing some amazing acting. I made a chicken mask out of a cardboard box and coloured paper. This was a very simple process compared to the other animations. 

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