Saturday 6 May 2017


I used stock images to apply my illustrations to products and show them working in the formats they have been designed for. The primary application of my illustrations is pages of a children's picture book. 5 of my illustrations are double page spreads, I chose these 5 pages to communicate important parts of the story so that the illustrations could be used to pitch the book to publishers. The sixth illustration is a front cover or poster that could be used to advertise the book.

The image shows how the double page spread would work as part of a book.
As well as the page designs I wanted to show how my illustrations could be applied to appropriate promotional and saleable materials. I wanted to find stock images to show products that are often sold alongside children's books such as clothing, toys, bags etc. I have designed and printed clothing in the past and still have an interest in it so mocked up 3 t shirts using illustrations from the book that I think would sell. I also mocked up some images of tote bags and paper bags that could be sold alongside/ or given away with the book itself to help advertise the main product.

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