Saturday 28 November 2015


 I have been trying to draw with shape which has been a challenge as I normally draw with intricate fine liner outlines. I tend to use thin lines to make up shaped solid outlines with tapering points so creating abandoning outlines all together presented me with some interesting challenges.
  • How do form interesting shapes to represent forms
  • How to add depth and shadow
  • How to make objects stand out when similar in colour or tone
  •  How to add detail

This is my first attempt, I used Adobe Illustrator to make this image. The image is made up of a combination of rectangles and ovals sometimes overlaid to create different shapes. This is not how I usually create images and using shaped to build up the image felt quite mechanical. I felt that i was separated from the crafting element of the process. I use digital media a lot but tend to use a cintiq and pen tool to maintain some feeling of traditional process.

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