Monday 19 March 2018

Text for mole book

Page 1- Elsie enjoyed stories about heroes...and loved pretending to be one

Page 2- dad “can you get me some worms so I can go fishing, some really big ones.”

Page 3- imaginary friend “I’ll help”

Page 4- Elsie “what aren’t you digging”
             Imaginary friend “I’m imaginary”

Page 5- imaginary friend “have you found any”
             Elsie “no, let’s go home”

Page 6- imaginary friend “look they’re giant”

Page 7- Elsie “no they’re not”

Page 8- Elsie “they’re ... cute”

Page 9- Elsie liked her new worm friends

Page 10- Elsie “I couldn’t find any”

Page 11- Elsie made a new home for the worms where they really were giants

Page 12- but now Elsie’s dad had no worms to go fishing

Page 13- ...

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