I had my one to one tutorial today. It helped to highlight changes that would benefit current briefs as well as what I should be doing to improve my practice in general. I need to
- rework the main character for the Carmelite brief. The current character looks like a teddy bear rather than a sea otter
- experiment more with colour. Create juxtapositions between warm and cold tones
- experiment more with characters position and poses. Can feel quite rigid in compositions
- create a range of animal characters to form part of portfolio
- look at how characters could be used in advertising as well as children’s books
To start with I am going to rework the Carmelite character, I have some older sketches that could help with this redevelopment. I think I can take this time to concentrate on the 4 best illustrations I have for this brief and only submit the rest as roughs. I have a number of pages at varying stages of development that I will take back to the roughs stage. I think it will benefit the finished pieces to work in a more focussed way at this stage.
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