Saturday, 3 February 2018

Macmillan Prize

This brief looks perfect for my practice, I had been planning on completing a personal brief as part of this module. The plan was to develop a story I started in my final project last year. It is a story I really enjoyed creating and I think it has great potential. I also have a story I wrote and partially illustrated as part of my COP module this year that would fit this brief. I was unsure which to submit. I was thinking of submitting the story from COP for this brief and then maintains the other story as a personal project so that it didn’t have the same consraints but after reading the terms and conditions it looks like I can enter more than one story.
I am going to submit the COP story and will need to make changes to it to fit the brief such as the number of pages. I think it will also need more work on certain pages and on the text of the story. I will need to make sure it is very clear which work has been completed as part of the COP module and which is part of this one.
I am also going to complete the story I started last year and submit that to the competition. I think it will be very useful to work towards a set layout and specification. The competition will allow me to work in the way I aim to after I leave the course, it will help me build a portfolio and produce work entirely based on my own ideas and writing. My writing has become an increasingly important part of my practice and is something I want to showcase as well as my illustrations. In the short term this competition will allow me to introduce my work to a publisher and in the long term will help build up my portfolio and body of work.

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