Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Carmelite Development and Possible Finals

- I have been completed some of the pages of the book, i have completed more than four finished pages so need to decide whether to submit all the completed work or to pick the best and only submit roughs for the others.

- I should have roughed out all the pages first to get a better understanding of how the narrative would flow throughout the book. I have two more projects that are beaded on children’s books that I need to keep this in mind for

- I have been trying to leave spaces for the text within the illustrations which has been easier for some than others. The brief asks for the text to be included on a separate layer and in black, and be typed or hand drawn. This will be easy for some of the illustrations but for others I would much prefer to use white text against dark backgrounds. I will have to test out how best to apply the text.

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