Tuesday 11 April 2017

Preparing Project Report

To prepare m project report I have been looking at students reports from the previous year and gathering information for my presentation boards. I missed the briefing for the presentation boards so have been working from the slide show on estudio, from what i can tell I should make my presentation boards first then condense the content slightly for the project report but add more text reflecting on how I found the process of working on the briefs. looking at the previous years reports has been very useful giving me ideas on layout, organisation and content. I want the layout to be as clear as possible, I will number the pages and include a contents page to make it easy to navigate. I have tried to use the project report as a reflective practice talking about how I think each brief went, what I think was successful and the problems I encountered along the way. I will try to cover each stage of the briefs from research to development through to the final outcomes and highlight what I think were important developments or lessons leaned in the process.

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