Saturday, 29 April 2017

Chris haughton Interview

As I have been struggling with colour I decided to try and find interviews with illustrators talking about their use of colour. I found an interview with Chris Haughton that I have not seen before where he talks about his unusual use of colour.

"I don’t use the real colours of the animals and I just use colours in a way that best tells the story. For example the owl is the only thing black against the bright colours of the forest which helps define his body shape graphically. George fills so much of the book that he couldn’t be black. I wanted it to be a colourful book and for his shape to be easily recognised so I had him in one block colour which contrasted with the orange background and text. The whites of the eyes (which are the most important thing in every picture) are the only things that are ever white in any of the illustrations."

This quote was particularly useful as he doesn't use real colours. I like the way he tailors his colour ways to make serve the narrative and composition of the book. This frees up his use of colour to serve his needs rather than feeling he has a abide by colour schemes from the real world. he views the whites of the eyes as the most important thing in every picture. In my compositions the dog is purely white and stands out against the colour background to I have used black to make the eyes stand out. I want to try and use his ideas of colour to find new ways to work with compositions. Hopefully this new perspective will help me communicate my ideas more effectively.

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