Sunday, 18 October 2015

First 4 Pages of Sketchbook

I chose mythological beasts as the theme of my drawings. The first drawing i did was of a Golem which is taken from Jewish folklore and is a being created from inanimate matter like stone or clay. I drew inspiration from the Darksiders computer game in which stone giants act as gates throughout the world.

The second page i drew was of a Yeti. i wanted most of the monster to be silhouetted  against a white backdrop of snow.

 The third image i drew was of a Aspidochelone which is a giant sea turtle so large it can be mistaken for an island, i decided to populate the the shel, of the turtle with a city and trees after seeing an illustration by Jared Muralt that created a similar composition using a giant fish.

I looked at a lot of Greek mythology that is littered with many mythical beasts but decided to draw one of the most well known, The Minataur.

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