Thursday, 26 April 2018

Character changes

After talking to Michael Driver on Tuesday and looking through my portfolio illustrations I decided to go back to my character design as I felt my animal characters were stronger and my human characters had not developed over the course of this year. Making changes at this time has been tough, I have a print slot booked for Tuesday to get the first round of prints for my portfolio. I keep feeling like the module deadline is a finishing point when it’s not really. I am going to spend the rest of the week continuing to develop and experiment with human characters and some full scenes. On Monday I will select which illustrations I want to get printed. This is only a starting point and I will continue to work on new illustrations and will evaluate his well my portfolio caters to my target audience. I have been stressed out this week wanting everything to be perfect for the portfolio and thinking about approaching hand ins. I need to keep reminding myself that the portfolio will constantly change and develop with my practice, it’s not set in stone. As for the hand ins I am going to continue working on what I think will benefit my practice and move it forward and the hand in should take care of itself.

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