Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Carmelite development 3- colour tests

- experiments with colour using Procreate. I have been working in black and white a lot recently trying to get used to using a new way of working. This brief has forced me to break that pattern as It calls for colourful illustrations.

- At first I wasn’t comfortable and I think the colours are off in the earliest illustrations. They look a bit dull and lifeless. The later illustrations look much more appealing. I think flat colours can look too sharp when created digitally but adding texture seems to soften them and also add more depth and a feeling of hand made illustration to them.

- I think I have tried to do too much with some of these illustrations and it has detracted from the main focal point of the character. Adding lots of detail to relatively small items within the scene changes the eastheitc and doesn’t benefit the composition as the detail becomes lost. I need to simplify the composition and concentrate on elements that have a greater impact or importance to the narrative. I want to use texture and perspective to add depth, and use the reflections on the water to ground the landscape onto the white background.

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