Wednesday 18 October 2017

Briefing 2

Briefing-extended practice

Thought experiment 

Write a confessional statement about your working comfort zones 

Go to ways of working?


Processes, media?

What’s holding you back?

What are you bored with?

Can your work be too safe?

Be honest in answering these questions!!

Set in my ways
Making images appropriate for audience 
Caught up in making work that looks ‘good’
Stuck between old habits and experimentation
Don’t spend long enough roughing and refining illustrations
Get comfortable with a process then work becomes repetitive 

Make a visual response to your statement 
Invert your practice
Make mistakes
Take risks
Consider everything, experiment 
Break your own rules

7” by 7”
Black and white or colour 

Make mistakes, play, have fun!!!

Shaun tan- the arrival 
David Hughes - new persona for children’s books
Character proportions
Forget the word style
Luke Pearson

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