Sunday 27 September 2015

I started out the mask making task drawing the classic joke shop disguise before moving onto Anime style mask designs. I take a lot of inspiration form Manga and Anime films and images.

I chose to use a monkey design for my mask. I have had the nickname "Boon" since highschool (a very long time) and thought it would fit the brief well

I cut out the elements that made up my design to make the mask more three dimensional then glued the together ready to me painted, I painted each section in solid blocks of colour but the rough edges of the cardboard meant the design did not look very crisp so i added a thick black outline and some tones.

I took a couple of photos at college wering the mask. i would like to have taken the mask home and got some better quality shots in more fitting surroundings but unfortunately had to cycle home so couldn't carry the mask and was working all weekend, i will hopefully have chance to get some better pictures this week.